Randeep Hooda has been in the headlines lately after an old video of his went viral. In the said clip the actor is seen cracking a joke on the politician and former Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Mayawati. Actor Randeep Hooda has been removed as the ambassador of the Convention for the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals an environmental treaty of the United Nations said its secretariat in a statement.
Bollywood और TV Celebs इन दिनों विवादित बयानों की वजह से सुर्खियों में बने रहते हैं. Munmun Dutta और Yuvika Chaudhary की तरह ही अब Randeep Hooda भी विवादों में घिर गए हैं. Randeep Hooda ने Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Mayawati को लेकर दिए अपने विवादित बयान के बाद बुरी तरह से Social Media पर ट्रोल हो रहे हैं।
#RandeepHooda #Mayawati #Bollywood